Terms and policies Caramella online store


§1 General Information

  1. The caramella.pl online store available at: https://www.caramella.pl and  is a platform administered by: Caramella Sp. z o.o limited liability company with its registered office at Trakt Lubelski 195, 04-667 Warsaw; entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs held by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Economic Division of the National Court Register under no. 0000491255; Taxpayer ID: 9512375966; e-mail:info@caramella.pl; telephone no. +48 533 053 443.
  2. These rules determine the principles and detailed conditions of providing services by e-mail
    by the Online Store caramella.pl, placing orders and conditions of execution of the concluded sales agreements.
  3. The terms used in the rules shall be understood as follows:
    1. Online Store – a store available at https://www.caramella.pl and which conducts online sales of products included in its offer;
    2. Warehouse – a place where Customer orders are picked;
    3. Business Days - all days of a week from Monday to Friday, except for public holidays
    4. Lead Time – a period of time needed to pick the order and forward it to shipment through post or a courier company to an address specified by the Customer;
    5. Customer/Service Recipient – a physical person, legal person or organisational entity not having legal personality that uses the services provided by e-mail by the Seller or making purchases in the Online Store;
    6. Consumer – in the meaning of art. 22 section 1 section of the Law of 23rd April 1964, Civil Code – a physical person undertaking legal action not connected directly with its economic or professional activity,
    7. Seller/Service Provider – Caramella Sp. z o.o with its registered office at Trakt Lubelski 195, 04-667 Warsaw; entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs held by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Economic Division of the National Court Register under no. 0000491255; Taxpayer ID: 9512375966; e-mail: info@caramella.pl; telephone no. +48 533 053 443.
    8. Newsletter – a service provided by e-mail by the Service Provider consisting in the sending, to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer in the mailing module of the Service Provider, of information containing, among others, information about the offer of the Online Store caramella.pl and information about the promotions and contests;
    9. Online Store Database – a database containing information about transactions and goods offered in the Online Store; the database collects data about Customers of the Online Store, which is necessary to fulfil their orders.
    10. Cart – an element of the Online Store which allows customers to define order details such as: quantity of products, delivery address, invoicing data, delivery method, means of payment etc. Within the Cart, the Customer can enter a coupon code which entitles to a discount (depending on the coupon type);
    11. Product Page – a webpage of the Online Store which presents information about a given product;
    12. Entity Making the Payment – an entity which is independent of the Online Store and acts as an intermediary for electronic transfers, bank transfers or credit card payments.
  4. Getting acquainted with and acceptance of these rules are indispensable for use of the Online Store.
  5. Service Provider provides the following services via the Online Store:
    1. enables getting acquainted with the Seller’s products,
    2. enables placing orders and concluding remote sales agreements,
    3. enables registration of the Customer’s Account,
    4. enables launching of the Newsletter service.
  6. Please address all and any remarks and complaints about the operation of the Online Store to the e-mail: info|caramella.pl| style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"|info|caramella.pl, or by phone under number +48 533 053 443.

§ 2 Conditions of providing services by electronic means

  1. The services by electronic means are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  2. The possibility of use of the Online Store depends on the following conditions:
  3. possessing of a computer or another multimedia equipment ensuring connection with the internet network,
  4. operational system Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 or later, Linux, MacOs, iOS, Android,
  5. web browser Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, in the current version,
  6. service of JavaScript, Flash, Cookies files put on,
  7. active e-mail account,
  8. minimum adjusting of the screen definition: 1024 x 768 pixels or higher.
  9. In order to receive correspondence by e-mail, the Service Recipient should have an active e-mail account. In order to display enclosures sent by e-mail, the Service Recipient should have software enabling servicing of the respective files, in particular doc, docx, PDF, JPG file extensions.
  10. The Service Recipient is obliged to use the Online Store according to its purpose and should refrain from delivering contents of an illegal character.
  11. The Service Provider expressly indicates that the provision of services by electronic means connected with the use of the internet network may be connected with the risks at the part of the Service Recipient. The Service Provider recommends that the Service Recipient, while using the services provided  by electronic means, apply an adequate software aimed at the protection of the equipment and data contained on the Customer’s equipment, e.g. by means of installation and use of an updated antivirus software.

§ 3 Conditions of the conclusion and dissolution of the agreement on provision of e-mail services consisting in the conducting of the Customer’s Account.

  1. The agreement on provision of e-mail services consisting in the conducting of the Customer’s Account in the Online Store requires a registration process. In order to initiate the registration process one should choose a bookmark "Register” on the website of the Online Store and give the following data: e-mail address, password, repeat password and contact details: name and surname, street, house/suite number, post code, town, country, telephone number. The entered data should be confirmed with the button “Create an account”.
  2. On confirmation of data by the Customer the account is established. The agreement on provision of services by electronic menas has been concluded for an undefined time.
  3. The service of the conducting of the Customer’s Account is free of charge.
  4. The agreement on provision of services by electronic means consisting in the conducting of the Customer’s Account may be terminated by the Service Recipient at any time, without giving reasons,  by sending a statement of will to the address info|caramella.pl| |info|caramella.pl or in a written form to the address of Caramella Sp. z o.o. with the seat in Warszawa, address ul. Trakt Lubelski 195, 04-667 Warszawa. The agreement expires 7 days after the date of placing the statement, unless the parties decide otherwise. The Customer has also the possibility of termination of the agreement on provision of services by electronic means consisting in the conducting of the Customer’s Account with an immediate effect by choosing the option „Delete the account” on the Customer’s Account panel.
  5. The Service Provider may terminate the agreement on provision of e-mail services by sending
    a statement of will to the Service Recipient to the e-mail address given during the registration
    of the Account, if the Service Recipient sends contents of an illegal character or infringes provisions of these rules. The agreement expires 7 days after the date of placing the statement.

§ 4 Conditions of order execution

  1. The Customer may place orders 24 (twenty-four) hours a day via website https://www.caramella.pl and . The Customer places and order indicating the product he/she is interested in via the option “ADD TO CART” or “TO CART”, and then, in the Cart, indicates the way of receipt of the product and payment for the order.
  2. While placing the order the Customer may register Customer’s Account in the Online Store, log in into the Customer’s Account established earlier or place and order without registration and logging in.
  3. The Customer may also place orders via an e-mail message to the address info|caramella.pl| |info|caramella.pl, that should contain all the elements indicated in §4 section 5 of the Rules of the Online Store. The Customer’s message launches the procedure of placing the order. The final placing of the order and conclusion of the agreement is effected on sending by the Customer of an e-mail message with explicit confirmation of will of conclusion of the agreement, on prior Customer’s acquainting with information sent by the Online Store.
  4. While placing an order the Customer concluded sales Agreement on the ordered goods with the Online Store.
  5. In the order (in the Cart/e-mail message), the Customer determines:
    1. the ordered goods;
    2. address for delivery of goods and data (including the address) on which the invoice has to be issued. They may be two different addresses;
    3. way of delivery;
    4. way (mode) of payment.
  6. At the stage of placing the order the Customer has the possibility of entering a code received from the Online Store entitling to a discount.
  7. In the moment of placing the order the Customer may have the possibility of dividing the order into several packets. In such situation the Online Store may divide the order taking into account the expected time of order execution. The Customer is informed about the costs of the ordered goods and costs of delivery of goods.
  8. The Online Store shall not bear responsibility for failure to deliver or late delivery of the ordered goods or execution of the order resulting from the wrong or not exact (incomplete) delivery address given by the Customer.
  9. The delivery of the ordered goods will be effected only if the ordered goods are on stock in the Warehouse. If there is no goods ordered by the Customer in the Warehouse and their additional supply from the supplier is not possible within the time provided for the execution of the order or the goods cannot be made on special Customer’s request in the declared time, the Store will send a message to the Customer, to the e-mail address given by the Customer, asking him/her for a decision concerning further proceedings in the matter and it will propose a new term of execution of the order. In such situation the Customer may resign from the execution of the part of the order that cannot be executed, within 3 days from the date of informing him/her about the necessity of extension of the order execution. The Online Store shall extend the time of order execution on Customer’s request.
  10. Irrespective of the rights described above, in case of lack of goods in the Warehouse or lack
    of possibility of execution of the Customer’s order, the Online Store has the right to renounce the execution of the agreement within 30 (thirty) days, counting from the date of its conclusion. If the expected term of execution of the order is longer than 30 (thirty) days, the Online Store has the right to renounce the agreement by the time provided for the execution of a given order. If the goods were paid in advance, the Online Store shall immediately return to the Customer the amount due for the goods in the same way as the payment was effected.

§ 5 Prices of gods

  1. The Online Store presents information about its offer at https://www.caramella.pl and and sells goods which are included in the Online Store database.
  2. Product prices displayed in the Online Store:
    1. include VAT and they are expressed in Polish zloty;
    2. do not include information about shipment costs;
    3. do not include information about possible customs duties.
  3. The binding and ultimate price of the product shall be the prince listed on the Online Store at the moment of confirming the order through the “Confirm the order with an obligatory payment” button.
  4. Information about the total order value is presented on the website of the Online Store after the Customer selects delivery method and manner of payment. If the system does not automatically calculate the delivery costs, the Customer will receive them by email.
    The Online Store reserves the right to change prices of the offered products as well as to launch and revoke any promotional campaigns and clearance sales. The entitlement referred to in the previous sentence shall not affect orders placed before the change of prices, conditions of promotional campaigns and clearance sales come into effect.
  5. Promotional offers in the Online Store cannot be combined, unless the terms and conditions of a given promotional offer specify otherwise. The Online Store shall not be held liable for erroneous combination of two or more promotional offers as a result of a computer malfunction and shall be entitled to cancel such an order.

§ 6 Changing an order

  1. Changes to orders can be communicated to the Online Store through and e-mail message sent to info|studiocaramella.pl| |info|caramella.pl, under condition that the order was not yet fulfilled and sent to the indicated delivery address.
  2. Changes may include cancelling of the whole order or its part as well as changes to delivery address, delivery method and invoicing data. In the event of cancelling an order, if payment for the goods was made in advance, the costs shall be reimbursed within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receiving the Customer’s resignation, onto a bank account of the Customer from which the payment was initially made. If the Customer does not have a bank account, the reimbursement shall take the form of a postal order made onto an address specified by the Customer.
  3. The right to cancel an order shall not apply to orders which include items manufactured according to the Customer’s specifications, or items which meet the Customer’s individual needs, provided that the order fulfilment process has already been launched.

§ 7 Payment methods and order acceptance

  1. Manners of payments for goods which are to be delivered within the territory of Poland include:
    1. payments by cash during receipt of the order in registered office of the Caramella Sp. z o.o. limited liability company or at a location indicated by the Online Store;
    2. electronic transfers, bank transfers or payments by a credit card; the order is accepted once the Online Store receives confirmation of the payment from the Entity Making the Payment.
  2. Payments for goods which are to be delivered to an address outside the territory of Poland can be made through an electronic transfer, bank transfer or credit card. The order shall be accepted once the Online Store receives confirmation of the payment from the Entity Making the Payment.
  3. Customer can use a coupon code received from the Online Store.
  4. Coupon codes are valid for a validity period during which Customers can take advantage of the discount. A coupon code cannot be combined with any other discount code and a promotional offer, unless the terms and conditions of a given promotional offer specify otherwise.
  5. The Online Store reserves the right to withdraw some of the delivery methods or manners of payment in relation to selected products or product categories.

§ 8 Lead Time. Delivery

  1. Przy The Online Store specifies the Lead Time (expressed in Business Days) for the offered goods. The Lead Time includes the time needed to pick all the ordered goods.
  2. Orders which are to be delivered within the territory of Poland are handled by a courier company and shipped to an address indicated by the Customer.
  3. Outside the territory of Poland, the orders are delivered to an indicated address by the Polish Post or a courier company.
  4. Delivery costs do not include assembly of the ordered goods.

§ 9 Complaints

  1. The Online Store supplies products which are free from defects.
  2. If a sold product has a physical or legal defect, the Customer is entitled to lodge a complaint according to the provisions of the Polish Civil Code.
  3. Complaints shall be considered under condition of returning the product with a purchase receipt and the Complaint Form to the following address:  Caramella, Trakt Lubelski 195, 04-667 Warszawa, Poland. If an order includes furniture, the place to which the customer is obliged to return the subject of the order will be determined individually. Complaints regarding defects in new furniture will be considered only before assembly, immediately after delivery.
  4. The Online Store shall take a stance on the complaint and inform the Customer about further proceedings within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of receiving the complaint.
  5. If a defect is confirmed, the Online Store shall consider a complaint in favour of the Customer. The Online Store shall promptly repair or replace the goods which are the subject of a complaint for a faultless product, unless it causes major inconveniences to the Customer.
  6. In the case of personal collections, a Customer is obligated to collect the order up to 7 days since the date of receiving information about the possibility of the collection. In the case of an uncollected order delivered by a courier or the expire date of personal collection, Online Shop shall require the Customer to collect the order within 14 days. The Online Store shall inform the Customer immediately of decision taken.
  7. The Online Store shall accept warranty claims if a defect is communicated within 2 (two) years from the date of handing out the item to the Customer, provided that the Customer notifies the Online Store of the defect within one year from the date of becoming aware of its presence.
  8. In case of contracts made with Customers who are not consumers within the meaning of Art. 22(1) of the Polish Civil Code, the Online Store shall be entitled to reject warranty claims.

§ 10 Right to cancel an order

  1. According to provisions of the Act on Consumer Rights (Journal of laws of 2014, item 827), the Customer has the right to terminate a contract without giving any reasons within 14 days from the date of coming into possession of the ordered product; from the date when a third party other than the haulier or a person indicated by the Customer came into possession of the ordered product, or; from the date of coming into possession of the last product, batch or element, if the contract of sale includes several products delivered separately, in batches or disassembled.
  2. The possibility to exercise the right to withdraw from the contract shall require the Customer to submit an unequivocal statement on the withdrawal within the time limit specified in §10(1) hereof. It is enough to send the statement before the deadline expires.
  3. In case of withdrawal from the contract it shall be deemed not concluded.
  4. A statement on withdrawal from a contract shall include information which allows for defining the contract which it concerns. The statement might be submitted on the Contract withdrawal form which constitutes appendix 1 hereto. The statements shall be sent through an e-mail message to: info|studiocaramella.pl| |info|caramella.pl. The Online Store is obliged to confirm reception of the statement on withdrawal from the contract by sending a message to the Customer’s e-mail address.
  5. Within 14 days from the date of receiving the statement on withdrawal from the contract, the Online Store is obliged to reimburse all payments made by the Customer, including the costs of delivery in the amount equal to the lowest costs of delivery offered in the Online Store. At the same time, the Online Store reserves the right to suspend reimbursement of received payments to the moment of receiving the returned goods or the confirmation of that they were sent back.
  6. The Customer is obliged to return the ordered goods within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of submitting the statement on withdrawal from the contract. Goods should be returned to the postal address of Caramella, Trakt Lubelski 195, 04-667 Warszawa, Poland. If an order includes furniture, the place to which the customer is obliged to return the subject of the order will be determined individually.
  7. The Customer shall incur direct costs of returning the ordered goods.
  8. The Customer is obliged to return the ordered products in original packaging, together with the attached documentation, data carriers and user manuals and shall be fully liable for any reduction in the products’ value that is the consequence of using it contrary to the products’ purpose, features and manner of operation.
  9. The Online Store shall accept the return, provided that the Customer delivers the goods to a postal address specified in §10(1) hereof. Online Store does not accept parcels sent with cash on delivery.
  10. Any reimbursements of the price paid for a product being returned shall take the form of payments of nominal amounts in Polish zloty. If a payment for the order is made from a bank account that is kept in a foreign currency, the return shall be made in Polish zloty onto the specified bank account and then converted into a currency of the said bank account according to an average exchange rate published by the National Bank of Poland on the date of making the return.
  11. The right to withdraw from the contract shall not apply to orders which include items manufactured according to Customer’s specifications or items which meet the Customer’s individual needs, in particular the embroidered products.
  12. If the Consumer is not a consumer within the meaning of art. 22 (1) of the Polish Civil Code, the provisions of in §10 shall not apply.

§ 11 Online Store Newsletter

  1. The Customer has the possibility to subscribe Online Store Newsletter by indicating an e-mail address for execution of this service.
  2. The Newsletter is sent only to the persons that expressed their will to receive it.
  3. While subscribing the Newsletter the Customer expresses his/her consent for delivery, by the Online Store, of e-mail correspondence as well as he/she must express his/her consent for processing his/her personal data in the scope necessary for that purpose.
  4. The Newsletter service is free of charge.
  5. The Customer may, at any time, resign from the subscription of the Newsletter by clicking the link indicated in the Newsletter or by sending an explicit statement on resignation from the subscription of the Newsletter to the address info|caramella.pl| |info|caramella.pl or in a written for to the address Caramella Sp. z o.o. with the seat in Warszawa, address ul. Trakt Lubelski 195, 04-667 Warszawa.

§ 12 Promotions

  1. Sales of discounted products, which are always limited in quantity, shall proceed according to the ‘first come, first served’ principle.

§ 13 Complaints on the services by electronic means

  1. The complaints on the services by electronic menas may be submitted by e-mail to the address info|caramella.pl| |info|caramella.pl or in a written form to the address Caramella Sp. z o.o. with the seat in Warszawa, address ul. Trakt Lubelski 195, 04-667 Warszawa.
  2. The complaint report should contain Customer’s data, e-mail address, description of the problem being the basis for complaint and indicating of the way of transmission of the reply to the complaint (correspondence or e-mail).
  3. The Service Provider shall reply to the complaint immediately, not later, however, than within 14 days from its receipt, by a communication mean indicated in the complaint report.

§ 14 Personal data

  1. The Administrator of the personal data collected via the Online Store is Caramella Sp. z o.o with the seat at Trakt Lubelski 195, 04-667 Warsaw; entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs held by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw, 13th Economic Division of the National Court Register under no. 0000491255; Taxpayer ID: 9512375966.
  2. The data Administrator processes personal data collected via the Online Store on the basis of the legal regulations in force, and in particular according to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), hereinafter: “RODO”.
  3. The Administrator implemented adequate technical and organisational means in order to ensure that the processing of personal data was made according to RODO, taking into account the character, scope, context and aims of processing, and risk in case of the infringement of rights
    or freedom of physical persons of various probability and weight of the risk. The said means shall be, in case of need, subject to reviews and updating. The Administrator ensured also means for demonstration that the personal data processing is conducted according to RODO.
  4. For this purpose the Administrator applies technical means protecting capturing and modifying
    by unauthorised persons of personal data made available to the Administrator, including ciphered (encrypted) connections with the SSL certificate.
  5. The data Administrator processes personal data of physical persons who:
    1. conclude sales agreement via the Online Store,
    2. use the Online Store for concluding agreement on provision by services by electronic means consisting  in the conducting of the Customer’s Account,
    3. use the Newsletter functionality, available via the Online Store.
  6. The Customer gives his/her data voluntarily. In certain situations giving the personal data may be necessary. The necessity of giving data appears if:
    1. the Customer concludes and agreement with the Administrator (sales agreement, agreement on provision of e-mail services on conducting of the Customer’s Account). Not giving personal data required for conclusion and execution of sales agreement and agreement on provision
      of e-mail services results in the impossibility of concluding of the above mentioned agreements. Giving personal data is, in such case, a contractual condition.
    2. the Customer uses the Newsletter functionality. Not giving personal data by the Customer makes sending information via this functionality impossible,
    3. at the Administrator’s side there are obligations imposed by the Law, i.e. giving personal data is a statutory requirement resulting from the common laws obliging the data Administrator
      to process personal data. The obligation of data processing is connected with bookkeeping. Not giving personal data makes execution of these obligations impossible.
  7. The processing of personal data is based on:
    1. art. 6 section 1 letter b of RODO – if the processing is necessary for execution of the agreement a party to which is the person the data concern or for taking action at the request of the person the data concern before the conclusion of an agreement
    2. art. 6 section 1 letter c of RODO – if the processing is necessary for fulfilment of the legal obligation of the administrator,
    3. art. 6 section 1 letter f of RODO – if the processing is necessary for the purposes resulting from legally justified interests executed by the administrator or a third party.
  8. The data Administrator processes data for the following purposes:
    1. execution of the sales agreement or agreement on provision of e-mail services or for taking action at the request of the person the data concern before the conclusion of the above mentioned agreements,
    2. sending information to Customers within the Newsletter functionality,
    3. bookkeeping evidence, including issuing invoices,
    4. determination, investigation or defence against possible claims raised by the administrator
      or against the administrator,
    5. exchanging correspondence with the persons asking the questions.
  9. In order to conclude and execute agreements the possession of the following personal data
    is necessary:
    1. name, surname,
    2. delivery address (street, house number, suite, post code, town, country),
    3. address for correspondence,
    4. e-mail address, contact phone number,
    5. for a company, additionally Name of the Company and NIP (tax identification number),
    6. bank account number.
  10. In order to execute agreement and other obligations undertaken by the Online Store the personal data may be transmitted to the following recipients and recipient categories:
    1. carriers/forwarding agents delivering orders to the Customers,
    2. subjects performing servicing consisting in the assembly of interior equipment elements at the Customer’s,
    3. subjects performing bookkeeping services,
    4. payment system operators,
    5. subjects performing information and technical services, in particular providers of computer software for conduction the Online Store, providers of electronic mail and hosting.
  11. As regards the processing of personal data, the Customer has:
    1. the right to access to the personal data processing, their correction, modification, deletion and limitation of data processing, objection against their processing as well as the right to transfer data,
    2. the right to withdraw consent for processing personal data at any moment, if the Customer expressed his/her consent for personal data processing, e.g. in order to receive trade information. The consent may be withdrawn at any moment. For this purpose the Customer makes a statement in a written or electronic form. The withdrawal has no effect on the conformity with the law of data processing, that took place before the placing of the statement.
    3. the right to raise a complaint to the supervisory body – the Customer has the right to raise
      a complaint to the supervisory body if the processing of personal data infringes the regulations on personal data protection in force. The competent supervisory body in the territory of the Republic of Poland is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
  12. In order to use the above mentioned rights the Customer should contact the data Administrator and send a relevant notification in a written form to the address of the seat of Caramella Sp. z o.o - Trakt Lubelski 195, 04-667 Warsaw, or by e-mail to the address: info@caramella.pl.
  13. The data Administrator maintains personal data for the period adequate to the purpose they are processed for. The period of data processing is, in particular:
    1. if the data are processed in connection with the execution of the sales agreement
      or agreement on performing services by electronic means of conducting Customer’s Account, the data are kept for the period necessary for execution, termination or expiry of the concluded agreement in another way,
    2. if the data are processed in connection with the use of the Newsletter functionality, the data are kept for the period in which the Customer expresses his/her will and consent for getting information using the functionality,
    3. if the data are processed in connection with the bookkeeping, the data are kept for the period required by the regulations in force obliging the administrator to keep the books (5 years from the beginning of the year following the accounting year),
    4. if the data are processed in connection with the determination, investigation or defence against claims, the data are kept for the period of existence of the legally justified interest executed by the administrator, no longer, however, than by the period of expiration of claims towards a person the data concern, from the economic activity of the administrator. The time of expiration of claims is described in the legal regulations in force, in particular in the Civil Code.

§ 15 Final provisions

  1. Goods presented on the webpages of the Online Store do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Polish Civil Code.
  2. The Online Store shall not be held liable for a situation when mail server administrators disable the possibility to send e-mail messages to the Customer as well as for deleting and blocking e-mail messages by a software installed in the Customer’s computer.
  3. The Online Store exercises due diligence in order to guarantee that images and descriptions of goods render their actual state. Since it is possible that errors may occur during an update of the Online Store (e.g. erroneous prices, configuration etc.), any discrepancies shall be settled during performance of the order.
  4. Prices listed in the Online Store apply only to the online sales.
  5. To all matters not settled by this Terms of Sale the provisions of the Polish law, in particular the Polish Civil Code and the Act on Consumer Rights (Journal of laws of 2014, item 874) shall apply.
  6. All names of goods offered by the Online Store are used for identification purposes only and might be protected or copyrighted pursuant to the Industrial Property Law Act (Journal of laws no. 119 of 2003, item 1117).
  7. This Terms of Sales apply from 25 May 2018.
  8. The Online Store reserves the right to amend this Terms of Sale.
  9. Any amendments to this Terms of Sale shall apply from the date of publishing them at https://www.caramella.pl and . Orders placed before publication of the Terms of Sale or publication of amendments to the Terms of Sale shall be fulfilled pursuant to principles which apply on the date of placing the order.
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